Now that we have started the new year, we have decided to lay out our
coin roll hunting goals for 2014. If you are new to the blog,
we have been coin roll hunting through boxes of pennies, nickels and dimes in order to try to find older coins that are worth more for their metal value in relation to their face value. It is an extremely enjoyable hobby and we are hoping that it helps to ensure that we protect ourselves during the current inflationary monetary and fiscal environment that we are currently living in. Far from a get rich scheme, we hope that the little effort we put into the hobby today will yield some reward in the future.
However, with the termination of the Canadian penny in 2013, it does not leave us with many options in regards to what we can search through these days. For this reason, we are focusing our goal on nickels and searching for 99.9% nickel nickels. Therefore, in 2014, our goal is to try to collect 100 pounds of nickel bullion during the year. We will be looking for
nickels minted before 1982, since the nickels during these years were made purely from nickel. Even with the price of nickel being low these days, the 99.9% nickel nickels are still worth more than their 5 cent face value, and made sense for us to try to collect.
This is a reasonable goal for us and is a realistic target to aim for. We were not entirely happy with our coin roll hunting results in 2013, as it was probably our worst year since we began in 2010. This was mainly due to the sporadic nature that we were coin roll hunting through boxes of coins. In order to remedy this, we have placed a standing order with the bank in order to receive boxes of nickels week-to-week. This makes coin roll hunting infinitely easier as we have to go to the bank and pick up the box, rather than go through the entire process when we are available to coin roll hunt. Although no specific element of coin roll hunting is particular onerous or difficult, having a weekly order has made coin roll hunting much easier in the past and should assist us greatly in our 2014 goal.
We are also going to try to
go through boxes of dimes throughout 2014, but due to the lack of success in the past, we are setting a goal of trying to go through one box of dimes a month, for a total of twelve during the year. If we are experiencing better results, or are finding that we can put a little more time into dimes, then we might reconsider increasing this as 2014 progresses.
I believe that my brother and I have set some realistic coin roll hunting goals for 2014. It is important to note that coin roll hunting is a hobby that we both immensely enjoy. We don't see it as a way to get rich. Getting to spend some time together, discussing economics or other interesting topics, is reward enough. Also, we have been amazed at how welcoming and great the coin roll hunting community is on YouTube, and it offers us a chance to interact with those who also find coin roll hunting to be a great hobby.
I look forward to a fun and exciting 2014, and tracking our progress on this blog to let you all know our results and how the goals are going. We would be interested to hear what your goals are if you have made them for 2014. I wish you all a wonderful 2014!